Sunday, June 23, 2013

Study of Caravaggio's "Doubting Thomas" with disposable pen

  Ball point pen on recycled paper 12 x 8

I started this the other night while with the Cork sketch group at their drink and draw event
 and finished it on returning to the studio. I felt attempting a Caravaggio study would have
 been a bit of a challenge with the,"ten for a penny" ink pens I am using at the moment but 
they seem to be more than able. Any reluctance on my part to do this was based on the fact 
that there is no adjustment allowed so I would have to look at my own mistakes when finished. 
But that's all part of the process and I think I got away with it, for the most part. I do like the 
results though, because the finished scribble gives me a good understanding of where I
might have made better decisions with my pen strokes and it also teaches me to accept the
limits of my ability with the media.

Thanks for looking :)
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