Monday, October 21, 2013

Life drawing at the Fourth Floor Studios

Yesterday I got a chance to attend some life drawing at the Fourth Floor Studios in the city.
The drawing session runs for a duration of four hours with poses held from one minute 
warmups right up to twenty five minutes so quite a lot of work gets done. Below are some 
of the sketches completed in the fifteen to twenty five minute poses.

Thanks for looking :)


  1. Facebook's phobia of nude people even in non-sexual description is just plain silly. Anyways, I still love your beautiful sketches. And it reminds me that I need to check for nude art courses in my region. :)

  2. 4 hours! Thats fecking awesome, can imagine that being very productive alright. Great work man, like to see how you focus on the shading

  3. can you please help me....i woukd like to join a life drawing group and this sounds wonderful. is it a closed group ..if not what are the times? can i contact them somehow? thank you. love your work!

    1. Hi Shelly, glad you like the work. Life drawing is indeed vital for anyone wishing to do figure work and I would urge anyone interested in maintaining their ability here, to give it a go or continue doing so. Why don't you contact me through my facebook link in the link section on the right hand side of the blog and we can discuss it there :)


Oh wow ! a comment, I just love comments :) thanks very much.

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